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+7 (495) 789-28-29
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To foreign partners


 "Laboratory of rental housing" – first specialized diversified company in a field of rental real estate in Russia.

The company "Laboratory of rental housing" was created for the practical implementation of Law No. 217-FZ dated 21.07.2014 and development of a new type of residential property – PROFITABLE HOUSES.

The principal activity of the company is creation and conversion of residential and commercial real estate for use in the format of tenement houses (profitability from 28% per annum).

Our services portfolio includes:

- the conversion of properties in the format of apartment houses;
- trust management of real estate;
- selection of the rental of residential property;
- the selection of renting commercial property;
- support of transactions on sale / purchase of residential property in Moscow and Moscow region;
- support of transactions on sale / purchase of commercial real estate in Moscow and Moscow region;
- the purchase of apartments from the Builder;
- purchase of commercial real estate from the Builder;
- preparation of documents for real estate.

Repair and finishing of:
- cosmetic repairs;
- simple repair of the premises;
- basic repair of the premises;
- renovation;
- the construction of houses / townhouses.

Software systems integration of property management:
- software complex of monitoring the performance of stage "Preproject";
- software complex of monitoring of implementation stage "Project";
- software complex of monitoring of implementation stage "Сonstruction";
- software system to control the operation of buildings;
- system of "Smart Home".

The combination of expertise, innovative and professional approach guarantees high a quality of our services.

Our work is investment in Your future!

+7 (495) 789-28-29



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